Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Here is what I have finally discovered about love: It never leaves us. We only leave it.

First and in the greatest sense, love for everyone and everything in the universe is always there, ready for us to only recognize it and act on it.

You can experience this pervasive love most deeply when you commit an act of kindness, especially an act of kindness to someone who has wronged you, where your baser self would rather choose an apathetic or vengeful response but you choose kindness instead. They are disarmed. They are often speechless. You can literally see the spirit of love move into their eyes and through their body, even if it is soon suppressed again and the walls again rise in their eyes because their minds do not understand and therefore do not accept that ever-present love.

Because some are too busy ramming through life, against life, and they do not recognize the stars above and their eternal message does not mean those stars are not there. In the same way, because some do not recognize the love and act on it and instead present themselves apathetically or hatefully to others does not mean the love is not there. Love is always there, like the stuff of stars.

Second, in the specific sense of one with whom you have had a romantic relationship, if you truly opened yourself and they got to see the deepest you and then proclaimed to love you, which means they had the gift of experiencing you beyond merely your mind and body and down into your soul, that love also never leaves. That romantic love is indeed an expression of the universal love, concentrated down into two souls – yours and theirs – that represent all souls, that represent the universe. It is the same love that always was and always will be.

Think of someone who has told you they love you where you felt through your heart and into your spirit that they meant it. “I love you” is often stated in our world, but it is true that it is frequently stated from places of fear and insecurity, or lust. I am not talking about those misstatements. I am referring to those times where someone has told you they love you and in your soul you knew it was true.

via. www.intenseexperiences.com

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